6 Bathroom Safety Tips for Seniors

A female home care provider holds the hand of an older adult woman sitting in a wheelchair. They are in the bathroom in front of the sink.
Falls in the bathroom are a concern for older adults, but these bathroom safety tips can help your loved one live at home safely. Photo Credit: iStock.com/FredFroese

Falls are a serious concern, especially for older adults. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that around one in four seniors will fall each year. About 80% of all senior falls happen in the bathroom due to slick surfaces and mobility and endurance concerns during personal hygiene tasks like showers. While falls are a significant public health concern for older adults, there are ways to decrease the risk or prevent them from happening altogether. Making improvements or adjustments to the bathroom is one way to make an older adult’s living environment safer. Here are a few tips and improvements you can implement to improve bathroom safety.

Choose a primary bathroom

If your loved one lives in a home with more than one bathroom, the one they currently use might not be the safest choice. For example, a small en suite bathroom that cannot accommodate a walker could be a fall risk. A bathroom with a shower that requires stepping over a tall bathtub wall is also not the safest option.

Take time to look objectively at the bathrooms in the home. Choose one that can accommodate any mobility aids, has a step-in shower (if possible), and can be safely navigated. Your loved one can still use their en suite for bathroom trips, especially in the middle of the night, but showering and grooming might be safer in a different bathroom.

Involve your loved one in the process, discussing each bathroom’s benefits and drawbacks. Then, once you have both decided, move any supplies they need to the appropriate bathroom.

Install bathroom safety equipment

Even if your loved one is steady on their feet, installing certain bathroom safety equipment can prevent falls that may occur due to lack of energy, mobility, or endurance. It is wise to install equipment before your loved one needs it. Fortunately, most bathroom safety equipment is inexpensive and easy to install.

Grab bars, for example, are an excellent addition to your loved one’s primary bathroom. Purchase any necessary installation tools and materials so you can be sure to install them correctly. Some should be placed near the toilet and in the shower, using your loved one’s strongest and dominant side as your guide. Install at least one horizontal and one vertical bar. If you can’t install them yourself, this is a quick job for an experienced handyman.

You can also consider grab bars that do not require home construction. There are various grab bars on the market that use suction cups to attach to the wall. Make sure you choose suction grab bars with indicators, which use a mechanism to display when the suction cup is activated and properly attached.

Next, consider outfitting the shower to be as safe as possible. A shower seat and a handheld showerhead are great first steps. You can install a shower seat that folds up and doesn’t take up too much space. Your loved one can fold it down from the wall when needed. These upgrades are not too expensive and can be a welcome reprieve for a senior who may become tired from standing in the shower.

You can also find more cost-effective shower seat options, such as lightweight, portable shower chairs that can fit in most typical bathtubs and shower spaces. Some shower chairs have transfer benches so the user can safely transfer into the shower by sitting on the bench and sliding over. Other shower chairs have handles so the user can sit in the shower as needed and have something to hold on to.

Consider a walk-in tub or shower

If you or your loved one has a larger budget for safety improvements, consider removing their existing bathtub and installing a walk-in tub or shower. Though this project will be more costly than buying a simple shower chair, walk-in tubs can meet more modest budgets or provide all the bells and whistles of more luxurious options. Walk-in showers can be safer as they eliminate the need for a high step in and out of a slippery shower. Even better, step-in showers are quite trendy right now, which means you might increase the home’s property value by installing one.

You won’t be able to install a walk-in shower on your own, but you can look for a reputable contractor in your loved one’s area who can take care of the installation for you.

Remove or secure trip hazards on the bathroom floor

Falls in the bathroom can happen due to slippery, wet surfaces, rugs, towels, or unsecured floor mats. To prevent falls, make quick improvements to your loved one’s bathroom floor setup. Begin by adding a place to put used towels, such as a hamper, to keep them from ending up on the floor. Also evaluate the rugs in your loved one’s bathroom. Are they too thick for a walker, wheelchair, or cane to navigate? If so, a thinner version might be the best decision. Next, secure any rugs in the bathroom: Use rug tape to secure the rug to the floor so that no corners flip up. If rug tape doesn’t help, you might consider installing slip-proof adhesive rugs. 

Adding nonslip stickers to the bathtub or shower floor can also enhance safety. When installed correctly, these slip-proof options can offer traction to your loved one’s bare feet on a wet surface.

Explore medical alert systems

Falls in the bathroom are especially dangerous because there is often no way to call for immediate help. Seniors who fall in the shower are less likely to have a cell phone nearby, which can make it challenging to dial 911. Depending on your loved one’s situation, a medical alert system could be a wise decision.

Medical alert systems connect someone experiencing an emergency with an operator who can summon family members or emergency services. Most systems work with the push of a button, but some devices also have fall detection, which will automatically call operators if the device detects a fall.

Wall buttons that pair with a home-based medical alert service can be placed in the shower or near the toilet. Wearable devices, like pendants or watches, accompany medical alert systems and are typically waterproof so that they can be worn and used in the shower. Some may have fall detection.

This option can provide peace of mind to seniors and their loved ones. However, you will have to pay a monthly subscription to maintain access to the medical alert system services.

Home care support for bathroom safety

If showers are unsafe or generally taxing for a senior, it can be well worth the investment to hire a visiting caregiver from a home care agency to help with the task a few times per week. Caregivers get to know your loved one and provide just the necessary assistance with activities of daily living, like showering, so that your loved one maintains their independence while having that extra support and safety. The home care aide may sit outside the shower to ensure safety while the senior bathes, or they may help the older adult with the task, depending on their needs.

Home care agencies can provide a caregiver for a few hours to assist with showering. If your loved one needs more hands-on care, you can arrange for a longer caregiver visit. Medicare does not cover home care unless prescribed by a physician and deemed medically necessary, but you may be able to offset the costs with Veterans benefits or through Medicaid if your loved one is eligible.

Attention to bathroom safety and fall prevention practices can support your loved one as they age in place in the home of their choice. With some simple adjustments, such as installing safety equipment, securing trip hazards, and more, you can ensure that they remain safe and healthy in the home.

10 Air Travel Tips for Seniors

An older adult man looks out an airplane window, taking a picture with his cell phone.
With the proper planning, air travel for an older adult can be safe and easy. Learn our air travel tips below. Photo Credit: iStock.com/Hispanolistic

Whether your loved one is headed out to enjoy a summer vacation or visit a family member, air travel is often the easiest way to reach their destination quickly and comfortably. However, boarding a plane for a quick flight or a longer jaunt can be stressful for older adults who may have challenges with mobility, cognition, or pain. Fortunately, planning and preparation can go a long way in making the trip easier and more comfortable. Here, we share some air travel tips to help your older adult loved one arrive at their destination easily and safely.

Consider the flight time before booking travel

While you might find early-morning or late-night flights less expensive, those times are not always ideal for a traveling senior. Depending on your loved one’s preferences, mobility, medication schedule, and pain, you might find that paying more for a midmorning, afternoon, or early-evening flight is well worth the possible extra cost.

Work with your loved one to consider the benefits of a midmorning or afternoon flight, especially if they wake up feeling stiff and sore or have other physical or medical needs better dealt with at certain times of the day. Giving them time to adequately prepare in the morning can help them feel their best before they board the plane. Similarly, avoiding late-night flights can ensure they get the proper rest needed for traveling and enjoying their time away.

Communicate with the airline about travel needs

As you book the flight, consider communicating with the airline about your loved one’s physical or medical needs. Customer service agents are there to support clients, and you can give them details about your loved one’s challenges so that they can offer potential solutions and ensure your loved one has the support they need. The airline might be able to find a way to give your loved one more legroom or answer questions about medical equipment that your loved one might need to bring on board. The reservation process is also the time to request any assistance, such as a wheelchair or luggage cart assistance to and from the gate. 

Practice collapsing mobility aids before traveling

If your loved one is traveling alone and uses a mobility aid, be sure they know how to collapse their mobility aid or can explain how to do it to someone else. Practice makes perfect, especially when it comes to collapsing wheelchairs or walkers that need to be stowed away during flights. If you are traveling with a loved one who needs assistance, practice how to operate their mobility aid to make navigating the airport and airplane smoother. You or your loved one will need to collapse their mobility aid when getting in their ride to the airport, on any trams, and while on the plane. 

You might also consider purchasing a smaller travel version of your loved one’s mobility aid, such as a folding cane. These canes fold up and can be stored in a bag when not in use, which could make traveling a little easier.

Pack medicines in a carry-on

Checked baggage can become lost or delayed, so it is wise to pack medications in your loved one’s carry-on luggage. Be sure medications are labeled and easy to access, especially if your loved one needs to take them during the flight or while at the airport. If space is an issue, use a smaller pillbox of only the medications needed during their time in the airport or on the plane. Include extra doses in case of delays.

Print a list of your loved one’s current medications and put it in their carry-on as well. This list can come in handy if they run out of something or if there are any questions in the security line at the airport.

Pack favorite foods and a reusable water bottle

Your loved one might struggle to find healthy foods, especially if they are on a prescribed diet, while at the airport or on the airplane. Pack favorites in their carry-on to ensure they always have access to a healthy snack. Also include an empty reusable water bottle they can fill at a water station in the terminal rather than having to find and purchase bottled water at the airport.

Pack communication devices and chargers

As much as you might plan and prepare, the unexpected is still bound to happen. If your loved one is traveling alone, ensure their cell phone is charged and accessible. Text them regularly to check in during preboarding and to verify when they are expected to land. A smartphone can also be an excellent distraction if their flight is delayed. Also pack their charger in their carry-on luggage so they can ensure that the device doesn’t run out of battery while at the airport or on the airplane. Consider including a portable battery pack to ensure your loved one can charge their phone no matter their access to power outlets or the delays they might endure.

Consider using travel tracking tags for personal belongings

Tracking tags, like Apple’s AirTags, can be helpful when traveling with an older adult. These devices allow you to use an app to track the location of whatever you have packed them in or attached them to. Tag your loved one’s luggage as well as their person, especially if you are concerned about their traveling alone. The app associated with your tracking device will tell you where they are and where their luggage is, which can come in handy if they cannot locate their bags or describe where they are when you pick them up at the airport.

Order accessible transportation to and from the airport

Your loved one’s travel experience begins when they get into their transportation to the airport. Ensure the transportation is accessible for their needs and abilities. For an older adult who doesn’t require additional assistance, a taxi, Uber, or Lyft will work just fine. Simply ensure your loved one has the applicable app or taxi company contact information so they can follow up with the ride company as needed.

For an older adult traveling with a walker, wheelchair, or other medical device, transportation must be large enough for the senior, their luggage, and their devices. You can request a larger vehicle from the transportation company to meet those needs.

Some seniors require hands-on assistance during travel. If this is the case, you cannot rely on the transportation service to supply that unless it is through a home care agency. Consider hiring a caregiver or accompanying your loved one to the airport if they need more extensive assistance.

Arrive at the airport early

While the rule of thumb for most travelers is to arrive at the airport early, older travelers should consider giving themselves even more time, especially if they need assistance to and from airport gates. The U.S. Department of Transportation recommends arriving as early as possible and then immediately self-identifying as a passenger with disabilities who has requested assistance or transportation. If you’re using a wheelchair from the airline, you are entitled to it until you get to your gate, where they will ask you to sit in the waiting area. If you require additional assistance to get on the plane, the airline representatives will arrange that as well.

Note the flight number

If your loved one is traveling alone, ensure you have their current flight number information. You can track their arrival times and any delays by following the flight number on the airline’s website or app. If you’re picking them up from the airport, this will come in handy to ensure you aren’t circling the airport while waiting for them to arrive or making them wait alone in the airport if their flight lands early.

Air travel is generally quite accessible for older adults, though it is even easier with a bit of planning and forethought. These travel tips, including choosing the right flight time, packing essential items, and considering your loved one’s mobility or medical needs, will ensure they remain safe while traveling. Here’s to a safe trip!

10 Volunteer Opportunities for Seniors

An older adult woman wearing a T-shirt that reads "Volunteer" is making sandwiches while smiling at a man across from her.
Volunteering benefits everyone involved. Here are ways to find volunteering opportunities for seniors, whether in the home or in the community. Photo Credit: iStock.com/Fly View Productions

As individuals reach retirement age, many feel compelled to donate their time and talents through volunteer work. In addition to being a great way to stay active and engaged while serving others, volunteering promotes numerous health benefits for seniors, empowering them to lead more meaningful and fulfilling lives. That said, finding volunteer opportunities for seniors can sometimes be challenging, especially for those who recently moved or face mobility restrictions. Read on to learn more about why volunteering benefits seniors and to discover several engaging and fulfilling volunteering ideas for seniors, including ones you can easily do from home.

Volunteering helps seniors’ mental and physical well-being

Volunteering offers numerous benefits for seniors on both a personal and societal level. One of the most significant advantages of volunteering is how it positively impacts mental and emotional well-being. Engaging in volunteer work provides seniors with a sense of purpose and fulfillment, helping to combat negative feelings, including isolation, anxiety, and depression, that often accompany aging and retirement. These are some of the common mental health issues among seniors, so spending time engaging in volunteerism is a win-win for everyone: The older adult feels fulfilled, and those in need receive help.

Giving back to their communities helps seniors experience a renewed sense of self-worth and connection to others, improving their mental health, emotional well-being, and quality of life. For retirees who may have worked for years in the same profession, volunteering may give them the opportunity to teach others essential job skills, empowering them to be self-sufficient after experiencing a life-changing event. 

Volunteering can also promote numerous physical health benefits for seniors. Staying active and engaged in activities that require movement, such as volunteering at a food pantry or shelter, can help seniors maintain their physical strength and mobility well into their golden years. Research has shown that volunteering can also reduce the risk of developing chronic conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure, and cognitive impairment, ultimately leading to a longer, healthier, and more fulfilling life for seniors. 

Home-based volunteer opportunities for seniors

Individuals may want to give back to others but would like to do so in the comfort of their own homes. The ideas below are ways to volunteer without needing to leave your home.

Virtual volunteering

With the rise of technology, there are now countless opportunities for people to volunteer from the comfort of their own homes. Virtual volunteering may encompass numerous tasks, such as writing letters to military service members, answering help hotlines, or participating in online tutoring programs. VolunteerMatch allows seniors to search for many different kinds of virtual opportunities so they can help others from home.

Do your craft or hobby for a cause

If you enjoy knitting or crocheting, consider using your skills to create items for those in need. Blankets or scarves can be straightforward items to crochet or knit, and local shelters will likely welcome these one-size-fits-all items. You can knit on your own or start a group for added social benefits.

Pen pal programs

Many seniors find joy in connecting with others through letter writing. Consider joining a pen pal program for seniors, such as Pen Pals for Life, where you can correspond with individuals of all ages who may feel lonely and isolated.

Telephone reassurance programs

Some organizations offer telephone reassurance programs, where retired volunteers call fellow seniors who may be homebound or living alone, offering much-needed companionship and wellness checks. Many telephone reassurance volunteers cultivate long-distance and mutually beneficial friendships while making a difference in the lives of others. 

Volunteering in your local community

If you want to get out of your home and are able to do so, there are many ways to become involved with organizations that are either in your community or are larger, national organizations with chapters or programs in your area. Here are some ideas to get started.

AARP Foundation

The AARP Foundation offers various volunteering opportunities for seniors, including tax preparation services for low-income individuals, meal delivery programs, and support for Veterans. You can search on their website for opportunities near you.

AmeriCorps Seniors

AmeriCorps Seniors is a national organization that connects seniors with community volunteer opportunities, such as tutoring children, supporting Veterans, and providing disaster relief assistance.

Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)

As one of the largest senior volunteer organizations in the United States, RSVP offers a wide range of volunteer opportunities for older adults, from mentoring at-risk youth in the community to assisting with environmental conservation efforts.

Your local hospital or treatment center

Many hospitals, cancer centers, and dialysis centers rely on volunteers to assist with numerous tasks, such as serving food and beverages, comforting patients and families, or helping with events and fundraisers. 

Try contacting your local hospital and asking how you can volunteer. Though Medicare’s website won’t connect you with volunteering, you can use its helpful health care locator tool to find contact information about hospitals or centers near you. If you’d like to volunteer at a hospital, select “hospital” and input your zip code. The results page will show you the closest hospitals to you, which you can call to learn about volunteer opportunities. 

Volunteer at your community’s senior center

Local senior centers often welcome volunteers to lend a helping hand with activities, including leading exercise classes, organizing events, or simply spending time socializing with fellow seniors. To find your local senior center, you can search the internet or contact your town’s senior services or recreation department.

Volunteer opportunities at local food banks and shelters

Food pantries and homeless shelters always seek volunteers to help sort, prepare, and distribute food to needy individuals. This opportunity is an ideal way for seniors to give back to their local community while directly impacting the lives of at-risk individuals.

If you don’t know how to find your local food bank, you can use Feeding America’s online food bank locator or fill out the organization’s contact form to be connected with a local volunteer opportunity. At food banks, which are warehouses that store food items, some volunteer tasks can include food sorting, meal cooking or preparation, food delivery, or helping individuals select food if the food bank has public shopping hours. You can also help organize food drives. 

Countless volunteer opportunities are available for seniors to explore, whether they choose to volunteer from home, connect with a national organization, or get involved in their local community. In addition to supporting needy individuals and entire organizations, serving others provides numerous benefits to the volunteer, including improved mental and physical health, a sense of purpose and fulfillment, and opportunities to connect with others.

Whether you have a few hours a week to spare or prefer a more structured, full-time commitment, there’s a volunteer opportunity for you. Before embarking on your exciting volunteering journey, evaluate your options and find a cause that speaks to your heart — one that will ultimately bring much joy and newfound meaning to your life.

6 Types of Dementia and Alzheimer’s Patient Support Groups

A group of six older adults sit in a circle. Two woman have their hands on the shoulders of a man. They are all talking.
Coping with a dementia or Alzheimer’s diagnosis can be difficult. There are several options for different types of support groups so you can learn about your diagnosis and connect with others in the same situation. Photo Credit: iStock.com/Vladimir Vladimirov

If you’ve recently been diagnosed with dementia, you’re likely experiencing many emotions. Concern about your future — and your family’s — is common with a new diagnosis. Many people also feel a sense of relief. Finally knowing what is wrong provides direction for moving forward. Some become determined to make the most of life. People with dementia can live active, rewarding lives despite their challenges. To do so, they surround themselves with the right support. They process their emotions to accept their diagnosis and make realistic plans to compensate for their limitations and adapt as their needs evolve. Dementia and Alzheimer’s support groups can be a great help in making the most out of life after the diagnosis. 

Dementia and Alzheimer’s support groups

Dementia support groups are vital to living well with dementia. They can be great sources of emotional support, insight, and practical advice. The social connections forged in these groups often grow into meaningful friendships.

Different types of support groups exist. Finding the right fit for your unique needs is key to getting the most out of the experience. Let’s look closer at the options.

In-person meetings

There’s something irreplaceable about getting together with others in person. A hug and a handshake can go a long way. In-person support groups offer the opportunity to share the same supportive space with others, which can be therapeutic. Attendees often have recommendations on local resources and services. However, transportation or scheduling issues can be problematic, and availability may be limited, especially in rural areas. 

Still, in-person support groups can be great for people who enjoy getting out of the house, have the means to do so, enjoy in-person interaction, and can find a suitable group that fits their schedule.

To find an in-person dementia support group, check:

Virtual or video conference meetings

Video conferencing has become a convenient way to connect with people worldwide without leaving the living room. Virtual meetings are convenient and easy for most people to access. You also might be more likely to find resources for rare conditions remotely than locally, if that is a concern for you.

Virtual meetings require internet access and some comfort with computers. Some people may feel uncomfortable speaking freely when others in the household can overhear. If you aren’t the most tech-savvy person or worry about being overheard, an in-person meeting might be a better option.

Virtual support meetings are still an excellent choice for people who can get online and feel comfortable speaking aloud about their situation in their home. They also benefit people who may not have the means to attend in-person meetings.

Virtual video conference dementia support groups include: 

Peer-to-peer dementia support groups

Family, friends, and professionals offer understanding, but nothing compares to talking with someone who has walked in your shoes. Peer-to-peer groups are led and run by individuals going through similar circumstances. Seeing someone with dementia in a leadership role can be inspiring and empowering. Although hosts may lack the broader expertise necessary for comprehensive guidance, peer-to-peer support groups are great for people who seek camaraderie, insight, validation, and inspiration.

Great examples of peer-to-peer dementia and Alzheimer’s support groups include:

Professionally led dementia support groups

Health care professionals or individuals trained in support group facilitation often lead support groups. They can offer a broad knowledge of resources, information, and expert guidance.

However, professionals may lack the personal experience that other types of support groups can offer. It’s also possible a fee will be involved, and availability may be limited. Still, professionally led support groups can be a great choice for those seeking a group with a more structured approach or who prioritize education over informal support.

Find a professionally led Alzheimer’s or dementia support group through:

Online communities and message board groups

Online communities and message board groups are available anytime you need a place to vent, ask questions, or read something inspiring. They offer 24/7 support and are generally convenient for people to access. People can easily remain anonymous if they wish and access a diversity of perspectives.

Although they can be helpful for people who can’t commit to a set meeting time, text-based communities offer less opportunity for personal connection and may be frustrating to navigate for tech-challenged people. There’s also a higher potential for misinformation and negative interactions, but if you can navigate technology, communicate well in writing, want diverse perspectives or anonymity, and appreciate round-the-clock availability of support, an online community might be an excellent choice.

Online communities and message boards for people with dementia include:

Specific condition-focused dementia or Alzheimer’s support groups

Dementia is a general term for cognitive decline. It can be caused by diseases like Alzheimer’s or conditions such as strokes. Different types of dementia have different specific symptoms. Some groups support anyone with memory loss, while others focus on folks with specific diagnoses. 

Condition-focused groups offer specialized information, support, discussions, and sometimes access to experts, which can be especially valuable to people with rarer forms of dementia. These groups may be harder to find, though, especially in person.

If you can find a group specific to your condition, it can be an excellent resource for people who desire in-depth knowledge and connection with others facing the same diagnosis.

Condition-focused dementia support groups include:

What type of dementia or Alzheimer’s support group is right for you?

As you weigh your options for dementia support groups, consider the following factors:

  • Do you prefer to meet in person or online?
  • Will transportation or scheduling be problematic?
  • Would it be good to get out of the house? Or difficult?
  • Do you feel comfortable speaking freely at home? 
  • Do you need general support or specialized information about your specific condition?
  • Are you able to access a virtual meeting or message board online?

Support groups offer many benefits to people with dementia. They can provide education and practical advice while addressing participants’ emotional, social, and psychological needs. Finding the right fit in a support group is important and may take time or trial and error. If one group doesn’t feel right, try another. Joining multiple support groups can be a good strategy. Finding the right Alzheimer’s or dementia support group can make a meaningful difference in your experience of living well with dementia.

Lively Medical Alert Systems Review: The Best Tech-Forward Options

Lively, a senior-focused Best Buy brand, has unique, tech-forward medical alert system offerings compared to other companies on the market. Instead of offering a variety of devices, Lively offers just one dedicated medical alert system along with medical alert services that are compatible with Apple Watches and Alexa devices. An Urgent Response button is also included on their Jitterbug phones, which is unique among cell phone providers. In our opinion, it’s the best medical alert system for seniors looking for a tech-forward option because it allows you to use the Apple and Alexa devices you may already be using.

Formerly known as GreatCall, Lively has been in business since 2005 and joined Best Buy Health Inc. in 2018. In addition to offering the 24/7 emergency monitoring services you expect from any medical alert system, they also provide a robust customer service experience. You can push the emergency button on your device and get help in any emergency or non-emergency situation, like experiencing stroke symptoms, getting locked out of your home, having a flat tire, or even feeling uneasy while walking to your car at night. You can also sign up for optional support services that enable you to get additional help in a variety of non-emergency situations.

Lively is a fantastic option for tech-loving seniors who already have an Apple Watch or Alexa device or those who want support beyond getting help in emergencies. Still, that doesn’t mean this medical alert system company is right for everyone. Keep reading to discover the details about Lively’s medical alert systems and services so you can decide if you or a loved one should give it a try.

Pros and cons at a glance

Compatible with Apple Watch and Alexa devices.No traditional in-home medical alert system options.
All-in-one mobile system option with no base station needed.Lively Mobile2 all-in-one system is less discreet than other systems.
Option to sign up for Nurse On-Call and Ask Lively to get even more help in non-emergency situations.Lively Mobile2 lasts only 24 hours before needing to be charged.
No long-term contracts or cancellation fees.Setting up the Apple Watch and Alexa services involves many steps and may be challenging.

How Lively medical alert systems work

With Lively’s medical alert offerings, you can get access to help anytime you’re experiencing an emergency, like a fall or the symptoms of a heart attack. With the push of a button or a voice command, you’ll be connected with operators who can help.

When you connect with a Lively operator, you can feel good knowing you’re speaking to a U.S.-based agent with extensive training from the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch. As soon as you push the button and connect to an agent, they have immediate access to your file, which can include information about medications you take, allergies, and more. They can convey this information to emergency medical services on your behalf.

Traditional medical alert systems have a physical button you push in an emergency. That’s precisely how the all-in-one Lively Mobile2 device works. Their Flip2 phone also has a physical button to press in an emergency. The Smart4 phone has an emergency button located at the top of the screen that you tap to connect to Lively emergency operators.

Lively’s unique offerings also include services compatible with an Apple Watch or Amazon’s Alexa. Instead of pushing a button on a dedicated medical alert system device, you tap the urgent response button on the screen of your Apple Watch or say, “Alexa, call for help,” and you’ll be connected to an Urgent Response Agent through your existing device. 

Fall detection is available with their Mobile2 device for an additional $9.99 monthly. Fall detection is also available through the Apple Watch, but it is not from Lively and is instead a built-in option within the Apple Watch. If this feature is activated and your watch detects a fall, it will immediately connect you to emergency services instead of a Lively Urgent Response Agent. It’s important to be aware that there is no fall detection option available with their Alexa service or Jitterbug phones.

With the Mobile2, Jitterbug phones, and Apple Watch services, you can be protected wherever you go. Alexa devices operate in your home. If you move or take your Alexa device with you on vacation, you’ll want to call 1-800-733-6632 to update the address in your file.

Benefits and features

One of the reasons Lively has some of the best medical alert systems for seniors is that all their options are streamlined. Their Mobile2 is an all-in-one device, so there’s no need for base stations or separate emergency buttons. Their other offerings are compatible with devices you may already have in your home, so there’s no need to figure out how to use a new device. You can continue using your Apple Watch or Alexa system as you did before, only with an upgrade to provide you with an additional layer of protection.

There are a few other noteworthy benefits, including:

  • No long-term contracts or cancellation fees.
  • No restocking fees.
  • Ability to switch your plan at any time.
  • No device fees with Lively on Apple Watch or Alexa services, as you purchase those devices separately.
  • One-year warranty against manufacturer defects with the Mobile2 medical alert device.

If you don’t already have an Apple Watch, you could save $100 on select models. If you’re interested in this deal, you will want to be certain that an Apple Watch with Lively capabilities is right for you because this special deal requires a one-year subscription. If you cancel your service before the year ends, a $100 early termination fee may apply.

You may also be able to save on an Alexa device, depending on the current specials available at Best Buy. For example, at the time of this writing, you could save $55 on an Echo Show 8 when signing up for Lively’s basic service package.

Another great thing about Lively is that they offer streamlined packages without charging you for additional services. You’ll pay an additional $9.99 for fall detection with their Mobile2 medical alert system, but the Lively Link app is free for friends and family. Though you’ll need to pay for the more expensive plan to access everything, Lively doesn’t charge separately for each additional service. Simply upgrade from the Basic to the Premium plan to receive Lively’s full spectrum of services.


When it comes to reliability, sometimes simple is better. That’s the case with the Lively Mobile2 medical alert system device. Not only can you push the button and be connected to a certified Urgent Response Agent, but if you have fall detection activated, you will also be connected to an agent if the accelerometer within the device detects sudden changes in your body’s movements. The Mobile2 utilizes the Jitterbug cell service, which is affiliated with the Lively brand, so you can rest assured that as long as your device has service and is charged, you’ll be protected.

When it comes to their Apple Watch or Alexa services, reliability isn’t necessarily a given from Lively because you’re depending on a third-party device to work to receive protection. You’re also relying on your own cellular or internet provider.

To use the Apple Watch, you have to own an iPhone and ensure your Apple Watch is connected to it via Bluetooth. Your iPhone and watch must be charged, turned on, and have network access to function correctly. 

Operating Alexa devices in your home requires a cell phone or a computer with an internet connection. Your ability to connect with an Urgent Response Agent depends on whether your phone or computer is on and connected to a cellular network or the internet. You’ll also need: 

  • A compatible Alexa device.
  • An active Lively medical alert service plan.
  • An active Amazon account.
  • The Alexa app downloaded on your smartphone.
  • The Lively Urgent Response skill enabled on your Alexa app and linked to your Lively account.

With Alexa devices, you must be within range of your device to communicate with an Urgent Response Agent. To ensure you can always ask for help and communicate clearly with an Agent, you should have an Alexa-enabled device in multiple rooms in your home. 

Keep in mind that you’re responsible for replacing your equipment should something go wrong. Unlike other medical alert system providers that replace emergency buttons when batteries run low or offer upgrades or exchanges on devices with some of their plans, you’ll have to replace your equipment directly with Apple or Amazon. Then, when you get a new device, you’ll have to link it to your Lively account again.

Unlike other medical alert systems that only need to be plugged into the wall, you must jump through some hoops to ensure that your Apple Watch or Alexa device is active and stays active. We recommend testing your equipment frequently to ensure that everything is operating properly.

If all of that sounds like a hassle you want to avoid, the Lively Mobile2 device might be a better choice.

Product offerings

Lively’s product offerings are streamlined into options including protection inside and outside the home. Fall detection is also available with some but not all of their medical alert systems, so you’ll want to weigh the pros and cons of each one carefully before making your decision.

Lively medical alert product and service offerings include:

  • Lively Mobile2.
  • Lively on Apple Watch.
  • Lively on Alexa.
  • Urgent Response on Jitterbug cell phones.
  • Additional services.

Lively Mobile2

The Mobile2 is Lively’s only actual medical alert system device. It is an all-in-one, on-the-go system that can be taken anywhere. This device does not require a base station. Simply wear it and push the button when you need help. Using enhanced GPS capabilities, an Urgent Response Agent will determine your location. They will speak to you through two-way communication in the device to determine if you need help from an emergency responder or if it would be best to contact a care team member, like a neighbor or a family member.

The Mobile2 is waterproof, so it can be worn in the shower or pool. For an additional $9.99 per month, fall detection can be enabled within the device.

Like all mobile devices, it comes with a charging cradle. The battery can last up to 40 hours, but Lively recommends charging the device every night because network coverage, device usage, temperature, and fall detection can reduce the battery life. A battery indicator light lets you know how much battery life is left, and the device also gives an audio alert when the battery gets low.

You can wear the Lively Mobile2 medical alert system in various ways. It comes with a lanyard and a belt clip, so you can wear the device around your neck or attach it to your belt. You can purchase a longer lanyard and even a wristband to wear the device like a watch. That’s unique among on-the-go systems, as most don’t have a wristband option. Note, however, that if you’re using fall detection, the device needs to be worn around your neck. You can also purchase an additional charging cradle and a lockbox, which allows emergency services to enter your home without breaking in. 

This system contains two-way communication, so you can speak to an Urgent Response Agent directly through the device. If you cannot communicate with the agent for any reason, they will automatically send help to your location.

The Lively Mobile2 is an effective medical alert system, but it is less discreet than other systems on the market, measuring 2.8 inches by 1.7 inches. Its size makes it easy to push the button if you need help, but it may not be a good option if you’re looking for a medical alert system that’s a little less noticeable.

Lively on Apple Watch

The Lively on Apple Watch medical alert system isn’t an actual system at all. Instead, it is a service that is compatible with the Apple Watch. With this service, in the event of an emergency, you tap the urgent response button on your Apple Watch’s screen to connect with an agent. The Lively on Apple Watch service can be used with an Apple Watch you already own, or you can purchase a new watch.

Once you sign up for this service, you download the Lively app and verify your account. You’ll need to accept the right permissions, according to their directions, and make a test call with your phone. Then, you can pair the watch and add the urgent response button to your watch face so that it’s the first thing that shows up when your watch face turns on. 

If you experience an emergency, all you have to do to get help is tap the image on the watch face and speak to an Urgent Response Agent directly through the two-way speaker on your watch. The agent will confirm your location and send help your way.

There are some important things to understand about this medical alert system service. First, it utilizes your own cellular network, which you pay for separately. That’s different from Mobile2 and most other traditional medical alert systems, which use their own networks. 

You also must have an active cell phone, and placing an emergency call depends on whether you have service. Any calls you make will use your cell phone minutes and, in some cases, your phone’s data, which means you could potentially incur additional charges according to the terms of your contract with your cellular service provider. 

You also have to keep a close eye on your watch and your Lively app, as technology is updated constantly, and some capabilities may not be compatible with your current Apple Watch.

Lively doesn’t offer fall detection for the Apple Watch. Instead, fall detection is something you can enable in the watch itself. If you utilize the watch’s fall detection capabilities and the watch detects a fall, you will be connected with emergency services rather than a Lively Urgent Response Agent. 

If you or your loved one isn’t particularly tech-savvy, using Lively on Apple Watch may not be the right choice for you. However, it’s a fantastic option for those who are. If you’re already wearing an Apple Watch and are skilled at downloading apps, it’s a great way to get the protection of a medical alert system without having to wear a separate, potentially embarrassing device.

Lively on Alexa

Lively on Alexa is a unique medical alert system offering that, like Lively on Apple Watch, requires no equipment. It is a service that can be utilized with the Alexa-enabled devices in your home. All you have to do is say, “Alexa, call for help,” and you’ll be connected to an Urgent Response Agent who has access to the information in your file as soon as the call is placed. You communicate directly through your Alexa device and, together with the agent, determine what kind of assistance you require.

This medical alert service relies on you being close enough for the device to hear you. Most Alexa devices don’t have the same range as traditional in-home medical alert systems, so you’ll likely want to put an Alexa device in every room in your home where you think you might need help.

You can also get help on the go if you have a smartphone. Simply download the Lively app and enable the emergency button on your screen. Then, all you have to do is press the Urgent Response button to talk to an agent on your cell phone.

Because there is no separate device for you to wear, fall detection is not available with this service. Also keep in mind that it requires you to have a separate internet connection that must be active in order for you to get help. If something goes wrong with your internet or you experience a power outage, you won’t be able to call for help. If you don’t have an internet connection, you can access emergency services through the app on your phone instead, but it requires a cellular connection.

It’s a great option if you or a loved one is already familiar with using Alexa devices, but the effectiveness of Lively’s service depends on you making sure you set up Lively on Alexa properly and maintaining a separate Amazon account to keep your Alexa devices operational. It also depends on you ensuring you have the appropriate Alexa technology, as Lively on Alexa may not be compatible with every device, especially if your device is older.

Urgent Response on Jitterbug cell phones

Lively also offers senior-friendly Jitterbug cell phones that come with dedicated emergency buttons so you can quickly and easily contact the Lively Urgent Response team. The Urgent Response button can be found at the top of the screen on their Smart4 phone. Their Flip2 phone has a dedicated Urgent Response button on the keypad. Pushing this button is just like pushing the button on any medical alert system: You’ll automatically be connected to an Urgent Response Agent whom you can speak to through your phone.

Although all Jitterbug phones come with the ability to enable Urgent Response services, these services aren’t automatically included with your plan. You have to sign up for a separate emergency service plan, and you must have a cellular signal to get help when you push the button.

Keep in mind that service is a bit pricier than Lively’s other service offerings because, in addition to paying for emergency services, you also have to pay for a separate cellular service through Lively. Data plans cost extra, too.

Additional services

Because Lively is a tech-forward company affiliated with Best Buy, it offers some excellent additional services with its medical alert systems that you’ll be hard-pressed to find anywhere else.

The Lively Link app is available to friends and family at no additional cost. This app allows your loved ones to be notified if you call Urgent Response, see changes in your daily activity levels, see if the battery on your Mobile2 device is running low, and check in on your location, which is updated every 20 minutes. The app works on both Apple and Android devices.

The Lively app is different from their Lively Link app, but it’s also free. When you link the app to your Lively medical alert service account, you can activate an Urgent Response button on any screen on your phone. If you have cellular service and an active Lively account, you can speak to an Urgent Response Agent by pressing the button.

All their medical alert plans come with Ask Lively, a service that enables you to ask any questions you may have. From answering questions about your device to assisting you in looking up a phone number, Lively Care Advisors strive to provide a personal experience to Lively customers by providing support, even in non-emergency situations.

Nurse On-Call is available with their Premium plan. If you press the emergency button or call for help through Alexa, you can ask to be connected to a registered nurse or board-certified doctor, who can answer medical questions, give information or advice, or help refill your prescriptions. There are no copays with this service.

Care Advocate is also available with their Premium plan. This service provides access to trained and caring support that can help you with everything from making health and lifestyle changes to estate planning and financial matters. Care Advocates help you develop a personal Care Plan that can include health goals and the support you need to achieve them.

Pricing and subscription plans

One of the things we like most about Lively’s medical alert systems is that they have simplified their service plans. Both plans are available with all their devices and services, and they don’t charge you for seemingly endless individual services.

For service with Lively’s Mobile2, Apple Watch, or Alexa devices, you can choose between the Basic plan for $24.99 per month and the Premium plan for $34.99 a month. There are no annual or biannual payment options, so there is no discount for making a longer commitment. The Lively app, Ask Lively, Urgent Response, and Lively Link are available with both plans. Care Advocate and Nurse On-Call are available with their Premium plan.

Fall detection is available with their Mobile2 device for an extra $9.99 per month. You can also buy extra accessories, including a lockbox, which you can purchase with all their medical alert systems for just $19.99.

The cost of medical alert systems can vary widely, but few are as affordable as Lively’s offerings. Their Lively Mobile2 device is just $79.99. Once you buy it, you own it, so you don’t have to worry about returning the equipment if you cancel your service. There are no device fees with their Apple Watch or Alexa plans, as they rely on you owning or purchasing a separate device.

Unlike with many other medical alert devices that you can only purchase online, you can shop for Lively in Best Buy stores. It’s a great way to check out the Mobile2 in person and speak to a store associate about their other Lively devices and plans.

Don’t have an Apple Watch or Alexa device? By signing up for service, you could save up to $100 on a brand-new Apple Watch or save $55 on a second-generation Echo Show 8.

Pricing for Urgent Response services on their Jitterbug phones is a little more complicated. The most basic cell phone plan offered through Lively does not include Urgent Response capabilities. You must upgrade to their Preferred ($39.99 per month) or Premium ($49.99 per month) plan to access this service. The Preferred and Premium plans include Ask Lively and Lively Link, and the Premium plan includes the Nurse On-Call and Care Advocate features. While these plans come with unlimited talk and text, you’ll need to pay more for data plans. You’ll also need to pay for the phone itself: The Flip2 costs $99.99, and the Smart4 costs $149.99. Lively often runs promotions that may offer discounts on their phones.

Equipment installation and setup

Setting up the Mobile2 medical alert system is easy. All you have to do is plug the charging cradle into the wall and place the device in the cradle until the light turns green. You’ll know your device is ready to use when you hear “Welcome to Lively.” If you hear “Activation failed,” you’ll want to call Customer Care at 1-800-463-5412. Once your device is activated, you’ll receive an automated test call.

An indicator light tells you if your battery needs charging. If the light flashes amber or red, you should charge your device. It is ready to use if the light is flashing green. If the light is off, the device is likely off. Simply press and hold the power button on the back of the device for two seconds to turn it back on again.

Setup for the Apple Watch and Alexa is more involved because you must set up each device before downloading an app and pairing the device to your Lively account. When you sign up for service, you will receive an email with all the information you need to set up Lively on Apple Watch or Lively on Alexa. You can also view the setup guides for the Apple Watch and Alexa online to get step-by-step instructions.

User experience and ease of use

Lively offers a great user experience for seniors who love technology. If you aren’t intimidated by downloading apps, syncing accounts, and keeping up with the latest tech devices, a Lively alert system is a great way to get the emergency protection you need in the event of a medical event without having to deal with a separate in-home or on-the-go device.

If technology isn’t your thing, the Mobile2 medical alert system is even easier to use. All you have to do is make sure your device is charged, and you can push the button to be connected to an Urgent Response Agent at any time of the day or night.

Lively’s Jitterbug phones offer a middle ground. If you’re comfortable with using a cellular phone but intimidated by the complexity of pairing an Apple Watch or Alexa device with your medical alert service, these phones might be the right choice.

One of our favorite things about Lively’s offerings is their comprehensive level of service. While other devices focus on providing emergency services only, Lively will help you with non-emergency issues, too. You can just press the button and ask for help without trying to figure out if there’s a separate customer service number you should call instead.

Customer support and assistance

Lively offers outstanding emergency service 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. All agents are certified by the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch. They also offer non-emergency support with their Ask Lively services, whether you push the button on your device or call them directly at 1-800-733-6632. Ask Lively Care Advisors can answer questions about your device, give you driving directions, look up the weather, and more. 

You’ll find some great online resources, too. Their support page includes quick links and resources for the most frequently asked questions as well as specific help with their Lively Mobile2 device. Additional FAQs can be found at the bottom of their product and service pages.

Lively does a good job of putting faces to their name. Most pages on their website feature a video that outlines each service. You can also watch a video that showcases actual care agents and learn more about some of their team members online.

Testimonials and success stories

Hunting down relevant testimonials and success stories can be a bit difficult because reviews are not just about their medical alert services but also include their cellular phones and plans. For example, many of their negative reviews on Trustpilot cite problems with their cellular service, which isn’t necessarily relevant if you’re purchasing a medical alert system.

However, 29% of reviews give the company five stars, with one person saying, “I had been researching devices for well over a year. I suffered 2 CVAs/strokes; by chance, a neighbor found me as he was walking by, and my occupational therapist found me because I had an appointment. I made the decision right there to purchase the Lively Mobile Plus because of the previous research, and I had just received my new AARP Bulletin and turned down the corner of the page for the ad. I wish I called sooner.”

You can find reviews for the Mobile2 device on the Best Buy website, where it has an impressive 4.6 overall rating. You can also find a few reviews scattered throughout the Lively website, such as here and here.

If you’re a little worried about some of Lively’s negative reviews, keep in mind that there are no long-term contracts, cancellation fees, or restocking fees. If you give them a try and decide they aren’t the right company for you, simply cancel your service and try a different medical alert system company.

Final thoughts on Lively medical alert systems

Lively has the best medical alert system for you if you’re looking for a tech-forward option, especially if you already use an Apple Watch or an Alexa-enabled device. Their Mobile2 device is a great choice for those who want a more traditional medical alert system but also want all the non-emergency support Lively is known for. Their Jitterbug phones also offer emergency support and may be the best choice for someone looking for something in between.

Be mindful of the potential difficulty associated with the Apple Watch and Alexa services. If you anticipate setup to be a challenge, don’t want to deal with updating your devices, or don’t want to rely on separate cellular or Wi-Fi service, you’ll want to consider the Mobile2 device instead.

If you’re looking for a wide range of systems with fall detection, you may want to consider other brands with more options, like LifeFone. For a brand with highly rated customer service and reliable products, consider Medical Guardian and its line of medical alert systems. Or, for our all-around best pick of medical alert system companies, MobileHelp‘s product line comes in at the right cost with all the features many customers are looking for.

T-Mobile: The Best Cell Phone Provider for Seniors on the Go

An older adult man and woman sit on a bench outside, looking at a cell phone. There is a suitcase next to the man.
Learn about what makes T-Mobile a great choice of cell phone provider for seniors who like to travel. Photo Credit: iStock.com/Eduard Figueres

T-Mobile has grown to be one of the largest cell phone service providers in the United States.  This fact combined with their excellent service and wide variety of plans makes them a very attractive option for seniors looking for a new cell phone service provider, especially for those who travel within the United States or abroad. If you or an older adult in your life is considering making the switch to T-Mobile, it’s best to be well-informed beforehand. In this review, we’ve done all the legwork and assembled everything you need to know about why T-Mobile is one of the best cell phone providers for seniors on the go.

For many reasons, T-Mobile is one of the best cell phone providers for seniors. People aged 55 and over can take advantage of special pricing on plans with unlimited data and other valuable features, which we’ll review in more detail later. The company also makes it convenient for people to switch to T-Mobile by allowing new customers to keep their phone numbers. T-Mobile has also established itself as having an “un-carrier approach” with customer-first policies and services, which can benefit older adult customers.

Let’s see some of the advantages and drawbacks of using T-Mobile at a glance, which we’ll explain in more detail throughout this review.

T-Mobile pros and cons at a glance

5G coverage provides fast internet speeds across much of the United States.T-Mobile’s 4G LTE network may not be as good as other providers, particularly in rural areas.
Competitive pricing for 55+ plans helps seniors save money.Some customers have reported frustrations with customer service by phone.
Certain plans offer weekly discounts and free subscriptions to streaming services.
Flexibility through the absence of long-term contracts and cancellation fees.

Now that you’ve learned some of T-Mobile’s key benefits, let’s explore more about the company and why we think it’s a good choice for seniors.

T-Mobile overview

Let’s go over some key information about T-Mobile so you know the basics about this cell phone provider.

About T-Mobile

T-Mobile is a major telecommunications company operating in the United States. It is recognized for its customer-first policies and services, which are part of its Un-carrier approach aimed at revolutionizing the wireless industry. The company provides a wide range of cell phone services, including voice, messaging, and data plans. T-Mobile has been a pioneer in rolling out 5G technology across the country, offering extensive network coverage and high-speed internet access, making it a good choice for on-the-go seniors who like to travel​​.

Where to find the latest T-Mobile news and updates

The latest news and updates about T-Mobile can be found on its official newsroom website. This platform provides journalists, investors, and the general public with up-to-date information on various aspects of T-Mobile’s operations, including new services, network updates, and corporate announcements​​.

Where to find comprehensive guides on T-Mobile services

T-Mobile offers comprehensive guides and support for its services through its official website. Customers can access a wide range of articles, how-to guides, and FAQs that cover everything from managing accounts and understanding billing to troubleshooting device issues and maximizing plan benefits​​. Given that they are a large, well-established brand, there probably aren’t a lot of “new” problems for them. Chances are that if you’re having an issue with T-Mobile, there’s a blog, tutorial, or FAQ addressing it.

How to find answers to frequently asked questions about T-Mobile

Answers to frequently asked questions about T-Mobile services can be found on the company’s official website under the support or FAQ section. This resource provides detailed responses to common queries regarding plans, devices, network coverage, and troubleshooting, among other topics​​. If you can’t find a solution in the FAQs, you can always reach out via their customer service phone line (1-800-937-8997) or stop by a store to ask your question.

Now, let’s get into the service plans and pricing for one of the best cell phone providers for seniors.

T-Mobile service plans and pricing

Like any other large cell phone service provider, T-Mobile offers a plethora of plan options. They also offer some great deals, like paying customers to switch to their service and offering discounted phones. Be sure to check their website or contact customer service to see what deals they are currently running. Below, we’ve broken down everything you need to know about T-Mobile’s senior-specific offerings.

T-Mobile’s plans and pricing options

T-Mobile has quite a few different plans designed specifically for seniors. These plans offer discounted monthly rates to those aged 55 or older. In order to help you understand the different plans, we’ve assembled some of their basic details in the table below:

Plan nameCost (1 line with autopay)Amount of dataExtras
Go5G Next 55$80/monthUnlimited 5G, 4G, and Premium Data** with 50 GB of high-speed mobile hotspot dataHulu with ads, Apple TV+, and Netflix with ads for the duration of the plan, 1-year AAA membership, T-Mobile Travel, and more
Go5G Plus 55$70/monthUnlimited 5G, 4G, and Premium Data** with 50 GB of high-speed mobile hotspot dataApple TV+ and Netflix with ads for the duration of the plan, 1-year AAA membership, T-Mobile Travel, and more
Magenta Max 55+$65/monthUnlimited 5G, 4G, and Premium Data** with 40 GB of high-speed mobile hotspot dataApple TV+ and Netflix with ads for the duration of the plan, 1-year AAA membership, T-Mobile Travel, and more
Go5G 55$55/monthUnlimited 5G & 4G with 100 GB of Premium Data** and 15 GB of high-speed mobile hotspot data6 months of Apple TV+, 1-Year AAA membership, unlimited talk and text with 10 GB of high-speed data in Canada and Mexico, and more
Magenta 55+$50/monthUnlimited 5G & 4G with 100 GB of Premium Data** and 5 GB of high-speed mobile hotspot data6 months of Apple TV+, 1-Year AAA membership, unlimited talk and text with 5 GB of high-speed data in Canada and Mexico, and more
Essentials Choice 55$45/monthUnlimited 5G & 4G with 50 GB of Premium Data**Unlimited international texting from home, unlimited talk and text with 128 Kbps data in Canada and Mexico, Scam Shield
Essentials 55+$40/monthUnlimited 5G & 4G with 50 GB of Premium Data**Unlimited international texting from home, unlimited talk and text with 128 Kbps data in Canada and Mexico

**See details about Premium Data below

What’s great about T-Mobile’s senior plans is that they are designed for seniors on the go. Not only do you receive great domestic coverage, but when you use T-Mobile as your service provider, you also receive perks like In-Flight Connection (a T-Mobile exclusive service that allows users to use in-flight Wi-Fi and text for free on select Alaska, United, Delta, and American flights) and unlimited international texting with several gigabytes of international data on select plans. Some plans include one year of AAA and access to T-Mobile Travel, a flight-, hotel-, and car-booking service run in partnership with Priceline. These perks make T-Mobile one of the best cell phone providers for seniors who like to travel

T-Mobile offers unlimited data plans

All of T-Mobile’s senior plans, from the Essentials 55+ to the Go5G Next 55, come with unlimited 4G and 5G data, allowing you to choose a plan at any price point without worrying about using too much data.  

The chart above outlining all the plans mentions that T-Mobile offers Premium Data on some plans. Premium Data is a cellular data allotment that gives devices higher priority when cell phone towers are congested. T-Mobile’s plans come with varying amounts of Premium Data, with the most expensive plan having an unlimited allotment and the cheapest plan having 50 GB of Premium Data. It’s important to note, though, that most people will find that 4G and 5G speeds work perfectly well the majority of the time.  

Family plan options available with T-Mobile

T-Mobile offers family plans, including options that are suitable for seniors. The 55+ plans allow for adding multiple lines at reduced rates, enabling families to enjoy T-Mobile’s services together at a more affordable cost. The more lines added, the lower the cost per line, providing value and convenience for families​.

T-Mobile’s service cost per month

T-Mobile’s plans range from $40 to $80 per month for one line when enrolled in autopay. The cheapest plan, Essentials 55+, starts at just $40 per month when enrolled in autopay, and the most expensive plan, Go5G Next 55, costs $80 per month for one line when enrolled in autopay. 

Network coverage and performance

Coverage is the most important thing to consider when choosing a cell phone provider. After all, what good is a cell phone if you’re not in an area with service? Below, we’ve answered some of the most common questions about T-Mobile’s service.

T-Mobile’s coverage area

T-Mobile provides coverage across a significant portion of the United States, with its 5G network reaching about 98% of Americans nationwide. This extensive coverage ensures that T-Mobile customers enjoy reliable service in many areas, from urban centers to suburban locations. For the most accurate and up-to-date coverage information, check T-Mobile’s official coverage map on their website​.

Reliability of T-Mobile’s coverage

T-Mobile is known for its reliable coverage in populated cities and suburbs across the United States. Their network coverage extends across much of North America, with a particular focus on providing extensive 5G coverage. The company leads the 5G race, covering approximately 53% of the country, offering fast and reliable service where available. However, it is worth noting that while T-Mobile’s urban and suburban coverage is robust, its rural coverage can be spotty​.

T-Mobile’s call quality

T-Mobile is known for providing strong call quality, especially in areas with good network coverage. With the extensive rollout of their 5G network, many customers experience enhanced call clarity and reliability. However, like any mobile network, call quality can vary depending on the user’s location, their device, and network congestion. T-Mobile’s focus on expanding and improving their network infrastructure continually enhances call quality and overall user experience.

When you choose a Big Three provider, like T-Mobile, you will tend to have better service in crowded areas than people who use budget providers that lease towers from Big Three providers. This can be especially helpful for those who regularly attend concerts, conventions, or other crowded venues.

Device selection

Another important component in choosing a cell phone service provider is whether that provider allows you to purchase or finance a device through them. T-Mobile has all the latest phones and perks you would expect when purchasing a phone from a Big Three cell phone provider.

Devices that T-Mobile offers

T-Mobile provides a wide selection of mobile devices, including the latest smartphones from leading manufacturers such as Apple, Samsung, and Google. Their lineup covers a broad spectrum of phones, from high-end models offering the latest in technology to more affordable options that still provide excellent functionality and performance. Seniors can find devices that suit their preferences, whether they’re looking for simplicity and ease of use or advanced features for more tech-savvy users​.

Kinds of devices and phones that can be used with T-Mobile

T-Mobile supports a wide range of devices, including smartphones, tablets, and other connected devices, ensuring that customers can select from the newest smartphones to more basic models, depending on their needs and preferences. A variety of phones are compatible with T-Mobile, including the latest models from major manufacturers like Apple, Samsung, and Google.

Bringing your own phone when switching to T-Mobile

Customers can bring their own phone to T-Mobile as long as it’s compatible with the carrier’s network. T-Mobile’s website offers an IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) checker tool that allows customers to verify if their existing phone is compatible, making the switch or upgrade process much easier for seniors looking to keep their current device​​. The device must also be unlocked (meaning it isn’t tied specifically to another cell phone service provider, such as AT&T or Verizon). 

How T-Mobile handles device upgrades and trade-ins

T-Mobile offers various programs for device upgrades and trade-ins, allowing customers to upgrade to a new device at a discounted rate or for free under certain conditions. The Go5G Plus 55 plan, for example, enables subscribers to upgrade to a new device every two years, offering access to the same deals as new customers when upgrading phones. This approach ensures that seniors can stay up to date with the latest technology without the financial burden of purchasing new devices at full price​.

Activation process

When you’re making the switch to a new cell phone service provider, considering the ease of activation is crucial. Some providers are more difficult to switch to and from, so it’s best to do a little research ahead of time to see whether you should expect a headache when activating your new phone line. 

How to switch to T-Mobile from your current provider

Switching to T-Mobile from another provider is designed to be a straightforward process. T-Mobile outlines simple steps on their website for transferring service, including checking your current phone’s compatibility, keeping your existing number, and selecting the right plan for your needs. They also provide guidance on obtaining your current account information and carrier PIN or passcode, which are necessary for the transfer. This process is tailored to minimize hassle, making it easier for seniors to switch to T-Mobile​​.

How to activate a new phone with T-Mobile

Activating a new phone with T-Mobile involves a few easy steps, which you can complete online, over the phone, or in a T-Mobile store. Customers must provide some basic information, including their device details and personal information, to initiate the service. T-Mobile also offers support through their customer service channels to assist with the activation process, ensuring a smooth setup experience for all customers, including seniors​​.

Customer support and satisfaction

Another key component of choosing the right carrier is customer service. Knowing what level of customer service you should expect before signing on with a carrier is important. You may prefer a face-to-face experience, but many carriers operate with an online-only format. That isn’t the case with T-Mobile — they have the largest network of physical locations out of all cell providers in the United States.

T-Mobile customer service

T-Mobile provides 24/7 customer service, offering various support channels, including phone calls, live chat on their website, and assistance in physical stores. While there have been complaints regarding long wait times and frustrations over phone support, the chat agent option on T-Mobile’s website is recommended for a more efficient support experience. This approach may be particularly beneficial for seniors who prefer not to navigate through phone menus or wait on hold.

T-Mobile customer satisfaction vs. other cell phone providers

T-Mobile is generally well-regarded in customer satisfaction, especially with its efforts to offer competitive plans, extensive network coverage, and additional perks like T-Mobile Tuesdays, a program that gives customers discounts and freebies every Tuesday. However, compared to its main competitors, AT&T and Verizon, T-Mobile’s satisfaction ratings may vary depending on specific aspects such as coverage, cost, and customer service experience. For seniors, the value provided by T-Mobile’s senior-specific plans and the company’s extensive 5G coverage make T-Mobile a great option for cell phone service.

Customer support satisfaction

Customer satisfaction with T-Mobile’s support can vary. Some customers have expressed frustrations with phone support, including long wait times and unsatisfactory resolutions. However, T-Mobile’s online chat support is frequently cited as a more effective and less stressful way to obtain assistance. This mixed feedback highlights the importance of choosing the right support channel for a better service experience.  

It’s also important to note that reliability and wait times will vary greatly depending on the time of day that you contact support. It’s often best to contact customer service during non-peak hours, like when phone lines open in the morning, to decrease your chances of waiting on the phone for hours.

To see what others say about T-Mobile and their service, consider checking out their Trustpilot or Better Business Bureau pages. Note, however, that basing your decision on reviews you find on these sites might not be the best strategy. In recent years, these sites have become places where people flock to leave complaints, so they tend to have an inherently negative bias. 

Customer support options

T-Mobile offers a range of customer support options to address the needs of its users. These include 24/7 phone support, live chat on their website, and in-person assistance at T-Mobile stores. For seniors, the variety of support options means that help is readily available in a format that best suits their preferences, whether they are more comfortable speaking directly to someone or prefer the convenience of online chat.  

Although there are carriers out there that offer lower prices than T-Mobile, it’s hard to put a value on just how convenient it is to walk into a store and get help from a person face-to-face. If you’re looking for in-person support, T-Mobile is a great option for a cell phone provider, as they have recently surpassed AT&T and Verizon in store count, with a whopping 7,500-plus locations nationwide.

T-Mobile customer reviews

Customer reviews for T-Mobile tend to highlight the company’s competitive pricing (especially for seniors), extensive 5G network coverage, and innovative perks like T-Mobile Tuesdays. However, reviews regarding customer service are mixed, with some customers expressing satisfaction with the support received, while others report challenges with call center experiences. Reviews often suggest that in-store or chat support provides a more positive experience.

Additional features and benefits

T-Mobile offers several additional features and benefits that enhance the value of its plans. These include T-Mobile Tuesdays, a program that rewards customers with freebies and discounts, and international coverage options that are especially beneficial for travelers. Senior plans also come with perks like free Netflix and Apple TV+ subscriptions, making T-Mobile’s offerings particularly appealing for the older demographic looking for more than just basic cell service. Some plans even come with travel perks, such as free Wi-Fi and unlimited texting on select flights, making T-Mobile an excellent option for those on the go.

Contracts and billing practices

When choosing a cell phone service provider, you will want to pay attention to any contracts and billing practices they adhere to. Luckily, things are relatively straightforward with T-Mobile:

Contracts and cancellation fees

T-Mobile does not enforce traditional long-term contracts for its cell phone plans, allowing customers more flexibility and freedom than many other carriers. There are no cancellation fees if you decide to terminate your service, which is a significant advantage for seniors who may need to change their plans or switch providers based on changing needs or satisfaction levels.

Length of plan contract terms

T-Mobile offers its services without requiring a long-term contract, meaning customers can enjoy T-Mobile’s plans on a month-to-month basis. This approach provides a level of flexibility that is particularly appealing to seniors who may prefer not to be locked into long-term commitments.

Data usage and overage charges

T-Mobile’s plans, including those tailored for seniors, typically offer unlimited data, eliminating the worry about overage charges. For plans with data limits, T-Mobile has implemented policies to ensure that customers are not unexpectedly charged for exceeding their data allotments. Instead, it will reduce data speeds once high-speed data allotments are used up.

Wrapping it up

Overall, T-Mobile is an excellent choice of cell phone provider for seniors on the go. While they certainly aren’t the cheapest plan out there, they offer a lot of bang for your buck. Their In-Flight Connection is great for those who find themselves in the sky almost as often as they are on the ground, as it allows you to keep in contact with your family and loved ones on those long journeys. Their unlimited data and additional Premium Data help ensure that you don’t have to worry about spotty service when you are on the ground in a new city. You can rest assured knowing that your needs are being prioritized by your cell phone provider when you choose T-Mobile.

5 Ways Seniors Benefit From Being Cell Phone Users

An older adult woman sits at at able, talking on her cell phone. She is smiling.
Cell phones have many benefits for older adults. Learn more about why seniors should consider owning a cell phone. Photo Credit: iStock.com/Rockaa

As communication technology continues evolving and is integrated into our daily lives, the benefits of cell phone ownership for seniors are becoming increasingly apparent. As society increasingly relies on technology for communication, information, and access to services, having a cell phone can significantly benefit older adults in various aspects of their lives. Here are five impactful ways cell phone ownership empowers seniors.

Cell phone owners enjoy enhanced physical safety and security

One of the most significant advantages of owning a cell phone as a senior is the heightened safety and security it can provide. With a cell phone, older adults can quickly call for help in an emergency, whether at home or on the go. When immediate assistance is needed, having a cell phone within reach can be a real lifesaver. This added safety net can give seniors and family caregivers peace of mind in knowing help is just a phone call away.

In addition, most cell phones come equipped with GPS tracking capabilities, which can be beneficial for seniors with dementia or Alzheimer’s. Tracking a loved one’s location enables family caregivers to locate them if they become lost or disoriented. For older adults with memory issues, there are even phone apps that can remind them where they parked their car.

Cell phones foster social connection through communication

Connecting with friends and family is essential for a senior’s emotional well-being and social health. Cell phones enable aging adults to seamlessly reach out to their loved ones through calls, text messages, video chats, and social media. This constant connection can help combat loneliness and isolation, especially for seniors who live alone, have limited mobility, or lack access to reliable transportation.  

Additionally, cell phones can facilitate communication with health care providers, caregivers, and other essential services. Being able to instantly access important contacts empowers seniors to promptly reach out for support, schedule appointments, and stay informed about their health and well-being. This enhanced communication can lead to better care coordination and improved health outcomes for seniors.

Using a cell phone supports cognitive stimulation

Learning how to operate a cell phone can provide seniors with much-needed cognitive stimulation. Exploring a cell phone’s various features and functions allows seniors to engage their brains in new ways as they learn how to overcome the challenges of adapting to advanced technology. From navigating touch screens and using voice commands to downloading the latest medication management apps, seniors can keep their minds sharp by using their cell phones to manage their daily routines and connect with others. There are also smartphone apps and games that can provide cognitive stimulation in addition to entertainment.

Cell phones offer real-time access to information

Cell phones offer seniors a wealth of information and resources at their fingertips. From browsing the internet for news, weather updates, and entertainment to accessing online banking, shopping, and health care services, older adults can conveniently stay informed and connected through their cell phones. A cell phone’s real-time accessibility and information-sharing capabilities empower seniors to learn about current events, health tips, and community resources that can ultimately enhance their health and well-being.

Enjoy convenience and efficiency with cell phone use and apps

The convenience of having a cell phone cannot be overstated for seniors. Whether making a quick phone call, sending a text message, or using apps for navigation, shopping, and entertainment, cell phones offer convenience that can streamline everyday tasks and communication. For older adults with mobility limitations or difficulties using traditional forms of communication, such as landlines or handwritten letters, cell phones provide a more accessible and efficient means of staying connected and accessing essential services.

Unlike a landline or a computer, a cell phone’s portability allows seniors to carry their communication device wherever they go, ensuring they stay connected to their support network. This on-the-go convenience benefits active seniors who enjoy traveling, socializing with others, and participating in various activities outside their homes.

As society continues to evolve and technology becomes more integrated into our daily lives, seniors should embrace the benefits of cell phone ownership and leverage these devices to enhance their health and happiness. Recognizing the advantages of owning a cell phone and exploring the various features and functions that can benefit their lives empowers older adults to stay connected, informed, and relevant in today’s fast-paced and interconnected world.

In the digital age, cell phones can be a valuable tool for seniors to navigate the challenges of aging, maintain their independence, and enjoy a fulfilling and active lifestyle well into their golden years.